Showing posts with label Bartlett. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bartlett. Show all posts

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Tom Bartlett Negatively Appreciating IFG And Negatively Judging Halliday & Matthiessen

Tom Bartlett replied to Michael O'Donnell on Sysfling on 12 October 2017 at 19:48:
When we discuss concepts such as transitivity on the list there are three (at least) possible things we are doing … 
2. Suggesting the IFG analysis is wrong in its own terms - i.e. accepting the logic of IFG but suggesting this logic has been wrongly applied. This often happens when we discuss behaviourals as they now seem to be dotted about in various self-contradictory places in IFG itself.

Introduction to Functional Grammar
appreciation: reaction: quality
Michael Halliday (ed. Christian Matthiessen)
judgement: capacity
 the discussion of behavioural processes in Introduction to Functional Grammar
appreciation: composition: balance

Blogger Comments:

Misrepresenting Halliday's work is part of the culture of Fawcett's Cardiff Grammar community, as  previously demonstrated here (IFG) and here (CETM), and currently being demonstrated here (misrepresentation), and here (Halliday).