Saturday, 1 September 2018

Sally Humphrey Positively Appreciating Yaegan Doran's Misunderstandings Of SFL Theory

Thankyou to Yaegan Doran and all collaborators for a terrific presentation on ‘PERSPECTIVES’ on field (or is it perspectives IN field???). The struggle to find a metalanguage which can make sense of secondary curriculum teachers’ most pressing concerns with disciplinary knowledge has been made so much easier. New descriptions often cause me to want to hide my head in the sand but the care Yaegan and others have taken to connect these understandings to emerging work in sociology (LCT) and to Jing Hao’s work in Ideation is a real sell!!!. Halliday would indeed be proud of such applicable scholarship. Looking forward to more conversations and publications!!!

Blogger Comments:

Yaegan Doran's and collaborators' presentation on ‘PERSPECTIVES’ on field
appreciation: reaction
the care Yaegan and others have taken to connect these understandings to emerging work in sociology (LCT) and to Jing Hao’s work in Ideation
appreciation: reaction

To be clear, this is one proponent of Jim Martin's misunderstandings of SFL theory, Humphrey, advocating the work of two fellow proponents, Doran and Hao.  For evidence that Martin misunderstands the SFL notion of field, see here.  For evidence that Martin's system of IDEATION is based on misunderstandings of SFL theory, see here.  For evidence that Martin misunderstands SFL theory in general, see here.


Humphrey's positive appreciation was subsequently endorsed on sysfunc at 20:58 on 2 September 2018 by another proponent of Jim Martin's misunderstandings of SFL theory, Shooshi Dreyfus:
Hear, Hear!

Saturday, 9 June 2018

John Bateman Positively Judging His Own Propriety And Capacity

The smartarse-rhetoric doesn't really work: unless you have rhetorical goals which are so far off what one might assume this genre to be supporting that no one would guess them; that would only be for you to judge.
 I find that amidst the fluff and the noise and the alliteration and the abuse, there are sometimes points in your emails that raise issues that would be worthwhile thought about. As I often say to folks, I don't do interpersonals, so that is why perhaps your messages come through. The rest I interpret neither as personal, nor relevant, nor useful; just noise.
As Ed sets out, though, your take on 'meaning' made zero sense to me …
(… for the story which generalizes beyond the statements of Saussure and Hjelmslev, we can consider Peirce also as a starting point). None of these positions gets hung up on some referential semantics; the *meaning* of the child's 'up', is that the child gets picked up and that everyone is happy about the result (or not). There is considerable work describing how contexts and intendedly communicative acts within those contexts are interdependent; there are even pretty powerful frameworks that show how this works...

Blogger Comments:

 John Bateman
judgement: propriety
 John Bateman
judgement: capacity

Note that the second instance is invoking judgement of the author, and since no specific references are provided, its function is to bully the interlocutor (look how much more I know than you, so don't bother trying to argue!).

Sunday, 20 May 2018

John Bateman Positively Judging The Propriety Of His Own Behaviour

John Bateman replied to Kieran McGillicuddy on Sysfling on 10 May 2018 at 16:38:
sorry, Kieran, 'vicious'? that was mild banter, 'vicious' is somewhere else! :-)

Blogger Comments:

 John Bateman's treatment of Kieran
judgement: propriety